• If a player in U4, U6, U8, U10 and U12 head a ball, the referee is required to stop play and reward the opposing team with an direct kick.
  • Heading is only allowed in the U14 and U18 Divisions.
  • This rule is designated to safeguard our youth.


Handball in front of the goal – If a hand ball occurs intentionally in front of the goal and the ball would have crossed the goal line, a goal is counted and the offending player will be given a yellow card.

All rule infringements –

  • As outlined in Law 12 of the Laws of Soccer, such as tripping, pushing, or hand balls Hand ball where a goal would be scored is handled above)will result in an indirect free kick.
  • The on-field official/referee has sole discretion in determining whether or not an infraction has occurred.

The on-field official/referee has the right to caution or eject a player (see Player Cautioning/Ejection) as a result of a rule infringement which, in the opinion of the official, merits such action.

  • As outlined in Law 12 of the Laws of Soccer, such as tripping, pushing, or hand balls Hand ball where a goal would be scored is handled above)will result in an indirect free kick.
  • The on-field official/referee has sole discretion in determining whether or not an infraction has occurred.
  • The on-field official/referee has the right to caution or eject a player (see Player Cautioning/Ejection) as a result of a rule infringement which, in the opinion of the official, merits such action.

Goals cannot be scored directly off an indirect free kick; the ball must be touched by another player from either team before it crosses the goal line. Goals also cannot be scored directly from a goal kick, throw in, or kick off. If the ball goes completely across the goal line without being touched by a player other than the initial kicker on one of these set plays then the result is a goal kick for the opposing team.



  • Not allowed for any age division.
  • Penalty for this infraction will be a caution on the first offense.
  • The second offense will result in being ejected from the game.

Keeping our youth safe from injuries is critical.


  • Referees have the right to caution and/or eject a player from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants cautioning the player or sending the player off.
    • RED CARD suspension = Rest of game PLUS next game. Sports Director may length suspension or eject player for rest of season.
    • YELLOW = Player is being warned about continuous rules infractions. 2 yellow cards will equal a Red card and automatic ejection.
    • Ejection – if a player is given a red card or two yellow cards, the team with the ejected player must play short for the remainder of the game.