“May the game of soccer always be more of a means of teaching the values of honesty, solidarity and fraternity, especially among the younger generations.”

~ Pope Benedict XVI, Wednesday General Audience, January 9, 2008



A common philosophy of CYS Youth Sports must be understood and practiced by all adult leaders, administration, coaches, parents and officials to avoid confusion, disagreement and confrontations. By understanding a common philosophy, everyone can work together to meet the needs of the youth involved.

Beyond the written rule there is a proper spirit in which to engage in competitive sports. Fair play and sportsmanship are the essence of CYS Youth Sports. Participation alone does not guarantee sportsmanlike attitudes and values such as honesty, fair play and citizenship. Coaches, parents and adult leaders must be role models and explain why these behaviors are appropriate.

Winning is an important objective in sports. To not seek victory is to be a dishonest competitor; but winning must not be the only objective. Adults must help athletes understand that there is more to sports than a win/loss record. Youth must be taught that success is found in striving for victory.

The most important concept is that if they give their maximum effort and strive for success, there are no losers. When winning is kept in perspective, the youth first and winning second, sports programs produce youth who feel good about themselves, respect others, accept responsibilities, strive for excellence, improve skills, have fun and look forward to future participation in sports.






CYS Youth Sports, through athletic activities, attempts to instill in youth, Christian attitudes and characteristics that will make them better adjusted youth today and adults in the years ahead. Bringing youth together from different schools and social backgrounds in an atmosphere that fosters friendship with opponents and teaches principles of sportsmanship is an important aspect of the program. The following guidelines reinforce that the behavior of anyone involved in the CYS Youth Sports should not detract from the youth’s enjoyment of the sport.


Encourage athletes in a positive manner; use the appropriate language to support an athlete’s efforts.

Set an example of good conduct; maintain a wholesome and friendly rivalry between teams.

Give all athletes sufficient playing time.

Treat all with respect and dignity. Do not shout or make derogatory comments to athletes,

coaches, parents, spectators or the officials. Referees, officials and the Sports Director have the right to warn and, if necessary, remove a coach who consistently and/or repeatedly violates these standards.

Do not humiliate an opponent by severely outscoring a team.

Be humble in winning and gracious in defeat.

A friendly handshake or positive comment to the opposing coach will be exchanged after a sport event regardless of the outcome.


Treat opponents with respect and dignity.

Give only constructive criticism and positive encouragement to teammates.

Do not swear or argue about an official’s decision. Only designated athletes, such as a team captain, should question an official. Captains must be identified by a visual aid, preferably a captain’s band.

Play by the rules; play fair.

Behave with honesty, straightforwardness and a dignified attitude when others do not play fairly.

All teams at the conclusion of the sport event will exchange a handshake or cheer.


Scorekeepers, timekeepers and other event volunteers should conduct themselves in an impartial manner throughout the sport event. They should not be coaching the participants, yelling at the participants and/or officials, etc. They are encouraged to show appreciation for an exceptional play during the event.


Both teams and their coaches will meet at mid-field to recite the “CYS Youth Sports Prayer”. God, as we prepare to compete in this athletic contest, we ask your help and blessing that we may compete to the best of our abilities and with a true spirit of sportsmanship so that our efforts give greater glory to You, our Creator. We ask that you protect us from injury and help us remember that our opponents are our brothers and sisters who are also under your guidance.
For this we pray, Amen.


Both teams and their coaches will meet at mid-field to

recite the “CYS Youth Sports Prayer”.

Lord, we thank you for the opportunity and challenge of this game.

You call us to compete well, finish the race and grow in our faith!

Help us to remember we can do all things through You, who gives us strength.



A designated Field Marshall will be Centrally Located on the fields for the following:

  1. Referees to report scores of games and turn in score cards
  2. Reporting of injuries
  3. Parents ability to file complaints
  4. Any other administrative requirements.

A designated Field Marshall will be included in emails to the Coaches and Referees on a weekly basis.

Keeping our youth safe from injuries is critical and Job number 1!!!!!


Remain seated in the appropriate area during the sport event.

Make only positive comments to athletes, coaches, parents and officials. There is no place in CYS Youth Sports for booing and criticizing judgments made by the officials.

Parents should not interfere with their athlete’s coach. They must be willing to give responsibility for their athlete to the coach during practices and sport events.

Parents/spectators should not direct any comments or concerns to the game officials at any time. These should be directed through the coaches, who shall direct those comments to the CYS athletic director.

Imitation is the greatest forms of flattery; our youth will replicate the actions of the parents attitude towards sport, game or opposing player. Please stay positive and refrain from negativity.


Each coach is responsible for the conduct of the team members, parents and spectators. Any coach, athlete, parent or spectator may be cited for unsportsmanlike conduct by a sport event official, CYS sports director or CYS representative including staff, commission, board members, gym or site monitors. At the time of the alleged infraction, the above named are empowered to remove the alleged offender from the facility. If the alleged offender(s) refuse to leave the facility, the sport event will be forfeited in the favor of the CYS team not involved in the infraction.

Division U6 U8 U10 – U 12 U13
Players 4 V 4 4 V 4 7 V 7 7 V 7
Game Length Two, 20-minute halves Two, 20-minute halves Two, 24-minute halves Two, 24-minute halves
Substitution Increments Mandatory substitution every 5 minutes Mandatory substitution every 5 minutes Mandatory substitution every 8 minutes Mandatory substitution every 8 minutes
Goalie? NO No YES YES
Ball Size 3 3 4 5
Playoffs? No YES YES YES
Field Size 30’ X 20’ 30’ X 20’ 60’ X 40’ 60’ X 40’

In the U4 and U6 Divisions, it is highly recommended that the coach be on the field.All other divisions must be coached from the sideline.

While unfortunate, the occurrence of a lopsided score does not necessarily mean that a lack of sportsmanship took place. Representatives of CYS Youth Sports will use the online forms and communication with the involved coaches to review the circumstances and determine if any sanctions are warranted.

  • 4+ GOAL VICTORY – Any game that is won by 4 or more goals in any division will be investigated and reviewed by the committee. It is expected that the winning and losing coach, in particular, will make themselves available for discussing the game so as to expedite the decision making process.
    • FORMS – Both the winning coach and the losing coach are required to submit a form which describes which measures were utilized to mitigate the talent differential between the teams. Forms must be submitted to the Sports Director via email as soon as possible. The Sports Director will personally contact each coach to understand the circumstances.
    • CONSEQUENCES – Disciplinary action toward the winning coach may result (suspension of the coach for the next game, or in the case of repeat violations, suspension for the remainder of the season).
      • NOTE: A coach who is suspended from coaching a team by CYS Sports Director is not eligible to be present as a fan for that CYS Youth Sports event.
  • All players must wear shin guards. Any player without shin guards will not be allowed to play.
  • Tennis shoes or rubber/plastic molded sole soccer shoes must be worn.  NO METAL.
  • All athletes are required to wear issued uniforms.
  • All athletes must have the CYS Youth Sports Emblem on their uniform.
  • Chains, earrings, other jewelry, glitter, face paint or other inappropriate items may not be worn during competition.
  • In cold weather, the player can wear sweatpants with no pockets. No pants.

SCORE AND TIME – The referee will keep the official score and time during the match.

SCORES – Should be submitted to the Field Marshalls Tent. All Standings will be published on the CYS Sports Website.

STANDINGS – During league play, a win will count for three points and a tie for one point.

Standings will be kept on the CYS Youth Sports Website.

TIEBREAKERS: Ties between two or more teams will be broken by; 1) head to head results between tied teams; 2) goal difference 3) Fewest goals against.



  • Every healthy uniformed player on the roster present at the game must play for an equal amount of time. Exhausted players should not be forced to continue playing.
    • This does not include players being disciplined. If a coach is found to be in violation of the mandatory playing requirement he/she will be suspended.
    • This playing requirement will also be in effect for all Playoff games.
      • INFRACTIONS of the playing time policy will result in a warning for the 1st offense.
        • If witnessed by a designated representative of OLOR Youth Sports, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach during the contest in question. If the playing time issue is not addressed by the coach within this game, the representative will confer with the Director of Athletics and a forfeit of the game and suspension of the coach may result.
        • If the first offense is not witnessed by a designated representative of OLOR Youth Sports, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach via phone call. After the coach has received the warning, any subsequent verifiable offense of the playing time policy will result in a forfeit of the game for the team and suspension of the coach.
        • A second verifiable offense of the playing time policy in the same sport season (including playoffs) will result in a forfeit of the game for the team, two game suspension of the coach.

NOTE: A coach who is suspended from coaching a team by CYS is not eligible to be present as a fan for the next CYS event.

4v4 CYS Soccer Rules


  • The Home team listed on the schedule will kick-off.
  • A goal may not be scored directly from the kickoff.


  • Results when the ball goes completely over the end line having last been touched by an attacking player.
  • A member of the defensive team kicks the goal kick from Just outside the goal. Defending team must be at mid field.
  • Defending team can cross mid field once the ball is put into play.


  • Results when the ball goes completely over the end line having last been touched by a defensive player.
  • A member of the offensive team kicks the corner kick from a spot within a one yard arc of the corner of the field nearest where the ball left the field.
  • A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick.


  • Results when the ball goes completely over the touch line (side line).
  • The throw shall be taken from the point where the ball crossed the line by a player of the opposing team.

All dead ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, kick-offs) are indirect with exception to corner kicks.

FIVE YARD RULE: In all dead ball situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal area is closer than five yards, the ball shall be placed five yards from the goal area in line with the place of the penalty.



  • In the Divisions U18, U14, U12, U10 and U8 there will be CYS postseason playoff tournaments.
  • All Teams qualify for the single elimination Catholic Cup Tournament.
  • The highest ranked team will play the lowest ranked team or brackets will be created by the Sports Director.


The Soccer Committee has the right to change the playoff format based on the number of teams participating.


I have read the CYS Youth Sports Philosophy, Code of Conduct and Rules and agree to be governed by these policies, procedures, regulations, and rules. I am fully aware of my responsibilities as outlined in the CYS Youth Sports Philosophy, Code of Conduct and Rules.

I will strive to behave in manner consistent with CYS Youth Sports philosophy:

A common philosophy of CYS Youth Sports must be understood and practiced by all adult leaders, administration, coaches, parents and officials to avoid confusion, disagreement and confrontations. By understanding a common philosophy, everyone can work together to meet the needs of the youth involved.

Beyond the written rule there is a proper spirit in which to engage in competitive sports. Fair play and sportsmanship are the essence of CYS Youth Sports. Participation alone does not guarantee sportsmanlike attitudes and values such as honesty, fair play and citizenship. Coaches, parents and adult leaders must be role models and explain why these behaviors are appropriate.

Winning is an important objective in sports. To not seek victory is to be a dishonest competitor; but winning must not be the only objective. Adults must help athletes understand that there is more to sports than a win/loss record. Youth must be taught that success is found in striving for victory.

The most important concept is that if they give their maximum effort and strive for success, there are no losers. When winning is kept in perspective, the youth first and winning second, sports programs produce youth who feel good about themselves, respect others, accept responsibilities, strive for excellence, improve skills, have fun and look forward to future participation in sports.

  • If a player in U4, U6, U8, U10 and U12 head a ball, the referee is required to stop play and reward the opposing team with an direct kick.
  • Heading is only allowed in the U14 and U18 Divisions.
  • This rule is designated to safeguard our youth.


Handball in front of the goal – If a hand ball occurs intentionally in front of the goal and the ball would have crossed the goal line, a goal is counted and the offending player will be given a yellow card.

All rule infringements –

  • As outlined in Law 12 of the Laws of Soccer, such as tripping, pushing, or hand balls Hand ball where a goal would be scored is handled above)will result in an indirect free kick.
  • The on-field official/referee has sole discretion in determining whether or not an infraction has occurred.

The on-field official/referee has the right to caution or eject a player (see Player Cautioning/Ejection) as a result of a rule infringement which, in the opinion of the official, merits such action.

  • As outlined in Law 12 of the Laws of Soccer, such as tripping, pushing, or hand balls Hand ball where a goal would be scored is handled above)will result in an indirect free kick.
  • The on-field official/referee has sole discretion in determining whether or not an infraction has occurred.
  • The on-field official/referee has the right to caution or eject a player (see Player Cautioning/Ejection) as a result of a rule infringement which, in the opinion of the official, merits such action.

Goals cannot be scored directly off an indirect free kick; the ball must be touched by another player from either team before it crosses the goal line. Goals also cannot be scored directly from a goal kick, throw in, or kick off. If the ball goes completely across the goal line without being touched by a player other than the initial kicker on one of these set plays then the result is a goal kick for the opposing team.



  • Not allowed for any age division.
  • Penalty for this infraction will be a caution on the first offense.
  • The second offense will result in being ejected from the game.

Keeping our youth safe from injuries is critical.


  • Referees have the right to caution and/or eject a player from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants cautioning the player or sending the player off.
    • RED CARD suspension = Rest of game PLUS next game. Sports Director may length suspension or eject player for rest of season.
    • YELLOW = Player is being warned about continuous rules infractions. 2 yellow cards will equal a Red card and automatic ejection.
    • Ejection – if a player is given a red card or two yellow cards, the team with the ejected player must play short for the remainder of the game.
7v7 Soccer Rules

Number of Players on Field:

  • 7v7 Including Goalkeepers (No punting)
  • Minimum: 5 players including goalkeeper

Heading: Only allowed in U14 and U18.

Team Areas:

  • Player & Coach Sideline:
    • Coaches will be expected to stay within the designated team area. The designated area is between midfield and the build out line on the teams bench side. Coaches will not be able to roam the field or around the field.

*ONLY rostered players and officials allowed in the bench areas.

  • Parent/Spectator Sideline: *Expected to sit/stand on half of field directly opposite their team’s players and coach(es)

The Ball

  • Size 4 ball for U10 and U12. Size 5 ball for U14 and U18.

Number of Players

  • Max. number of players per team on the field at one time is seven, including GK.
  • Min. number of players per team on the field is five (5), including the GK.
  • If a team consist of all boys, the team without females will play a man down for every female that is on the pitch. The minimum a team can play down to is 5. Example: Team A has 3 girls and 4 boys on the field. Team B does not have any girls, then Team B will play with 5 Players. If playing time is not equal. Recruit more girls. This will prevent a team from being all boys. We are a COED League and always will be!!!!
  • In the case of a penalty kick, the person taking the kick must be of the same gender as the person who was fouled originally. (Example: a female is fouled in the penalty area, the penalty kick must be taken by a female)
  • Substitutions will be made every 8 minutes. There will be 6 total shifts. All players must play equal shifts. No one can play 4 shifts while one plays 1 shift. There cannot be more than 1 shift deferential between players. Goalies count as a player on the field. The exception for the goalie has been discontinued. To fully comprehend the importance of equal playing time, please look at the charts in the appendix.


Duration of the Game / Playing Time

  • All ages 2 x 24 min. halves. There will be three shifts of 8 minutes per half. No additional time will be added for players running on and off the field.
  • Half time should be no more than 5 minutes

Starting the Game

  • Home team will kick off to start the game.
  • Kickoff occurs at start of each half and after each goal. Opposing team must be outside center circle on  their half of field.
  • Kickoff – ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves in any direction, including backwards.
  • After halftime, the teams change sides and kickoff is taken by the team who did not take the kickoff at the start of game.

Ball In and Out of Play

  • If whole ball crosses either sideline, then it is out of bounds and game should restart with a throw-in for the other team

Method of Scoring

  • The entire ball must travel over the goal line, inside of the goal.


  • Offside will be called if the offensive player is in the final third of the field before the ball is kicked or dribbled across the build up line.
  • No offside directly from a throw in
  • No offside directly from goal kick
  • No offsides on a corner kick
  • No offsides on a direct kick

Fouls and Misconduct

  • No punting: if a goalkeeper punts (volley or ½ volleys the ball from hands), the other team shall be awarded an direct free kick on the center spot (half way line). Restart with indirect free kick.
  • Heading: Only allowed in U14 and U18.
  • Slide tackling: No slide tackling or sliding under any condition. A slide tackle or sliding will be an immediate yellow card. A second slide tackle or slide will be an immediate Red Card.

Build Out Line/Rule

Goal Kick:

  • All opposition players must retreat behind build-out line. They can only cross the build out line after the ball has been put into play by the goalie or player taking the goal kick.

Goalkeeper Possession

  • All opposition players must be behind build-out-line when the ball is the goalkeeper’s hands. They can only cross the build out line when the ball has left the goalkeepers hands. after the goalkeeper has passed the ball to a teammate and it has been received or the ball crosses the build out line. Play then resumes as normal.
  • The offense team has the ability to play at their pace and can quickly play the ball out prior to the defense getting behind the build out line.

Free Kick

  • All Kicks will be direct free kicks.
  • No offsides on Free Kicks.
  • Opponents must be 8 yards from the ball.

Penalty Kick

  • Taken from 8 yards out
  • Goalkeeper must have at least one foot on the goal line when the ball is struck

Corner Kick

  • Awarded when ball crosses goal line, except through the goal, and was last played or touched by a defending player. Attacking team to take corner from same side of the goal on which it went across the goal line.
  • Opponents must be 8 yards from the ball.

Overtime and Shootouts

  • Playoff games ending in a tie will go straight to penalty kicks.
  • 7 players that were on the field at the end of the regulation game, will participate in the shootout.
  • The coach must provide the referee with the players numbers in the order they will shoot.
  • The goalkeepers will be the same as the goalkeepers from the end of the regulation game.
  • No switching goalies during the shoot out.
  • Each team has a total of 5 penalty kicks and will alternate each shot. No rebounds are allowed. Goalies can be one of the 5.
  • The kicker must wait for the official to start the play on each kick.
  • If the score is tied at the end of the shootout, a sudden death shootout will be held, with 2 players on the field shooting first and then designated bench players. The coach must provide the numbers to the referee in the order of shooters.
  • A player may not shoot twice. The only way this will occur, is if all players have taken a penalty shot.